The 2025 Annual Meeting will be at the Great American Stamp Show, August 14-17, in Schaumburg, IL. Show hours are 10 AM - 6 PM  Thursday through Saturday and Sunday 10 AM - 4 PM.  The show will include: dealers and postal administrations booths, a cachetmakers bourse, hundreds of frames of exhibits, special exhibits of rarities etc., first day ceremonies, a youth area and more!  We will have a CSS booth.

     The 2026 Annual Meeting will be at the Boston 2026 World Expo, May 23-30.  This is an international stamp exposition that take place every ten years in the U. S.


Our 2024 Annual Board of Directors and Membership Meetings were held at the Great American Stamp Show, August 15-18, in Hartford, CT, at the Connecticut Convention Center.



     The Annual Board of Directors and Membership Meeting were held at the Great American Stamp Show (GASS), August 10-13, in Cleveland, Ohio, at the Huntington Convention Center. Hugh Lawrence gave a talk on the “The Centrally Produced Issues of the East China People’s Post.”  They was the subject of a popular article in the September 2022 China Clipper.



     The Annual Board of Director and Membership Meeting were held at Great American Stamp Show in Sacramento, CA, August 25-28. Many important decisions were made at the Board of Directors Meeting. The CSS commission on web site sale was reduced.  Advertising rates in the China Clipper were reduced. The show’s attendance was not as hoped for, but we did get to meet with lots of CSS members and sold some CSS Catalogs, DVDs, and books from our booth.



     The 2021 CSS Annual Meeting was held at the Great American Stamp Show (formerly APS Stamp Show) August 12-15, in Rosemont, IL (near Chicago).  Twenty-six CSS members signed in at the CSS booth.  Nine new members joined and we sold many CSS Catalogs, books and DVDs.  A grand time was had by all.  GASS had 78 dealer booths, 51 society booths, 11 cachet makers, three first day ceremonies, and four days of various meetings and seminars.  In philatelic competition there were 134 exhibits filling 1,204 frames and 79 entrants in the literature category.  The 2021 CSS Catalog won a Gold Medal in the literature category. 
     Hugh Lawrence's ten frame "Postal Rates During the Gold Yuan Era: The Chinese Hyperinflation of 1948 - 49," exhibit received a Large Gold Medal and the Postal History Society Award.  Hugh’s single frame “China’s Non-Denominated Domestic Air Letter Sheets,” exhibit received a Gold Medal and the U.S.  Postal Stationery Society Marcus White One Frame Award.   H. James Maxwell's ten frame "Rates During the Post-War Chinese National Currency Era" exhibit received a Large Gold Medal, and his three frame “Imperial and Republic of China Official Postal Seals,” exhibit received a Gold Medal.
     The attendance at our Annual Membership Meeting was good and we had excellent discussions on several subjects.  Emphasis was placed on expanding our social media presence. The Board of Directors meeting was held using Zoom.


     The 2020 annual meeting was held at the Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition (SESCAL), February 7-9, in Sarasota, FL. It was a great success. Fourteen members signed in at the CSS booth and one new member joined.
     Three members exhibited a total of twenty-nine frames of China exhibits.  Hugh Lawrence's ten frame “Postal Rates During the Gold Yuan Era: The Chinese Hyperinflation of 1948 - 49,” received a Large Gold Medal, the CSS Best Exhibit of China Award, and the CSS Republic of China (Taiwan) Chapter Award.  H. James Maxwell's ten frame “Rates During the Post-War Chinese National Currency Era” received a Large Gold Medal and the Paul Chang Chinese Postal History Award.  His new three frame exhibit, “Imperial & Republic of China Official Postal Seals” received a Large Gold Medal and the James R. Lee Memorial Award. Tom Massa’s six frame “Rates During the Chinese Silver Yuan Currency Era,” received a Gold Medal and the CSS Chia Nan Chapter (Los Angeles) Award.


     The 2019 annual meeting was held at BALPEX 2019, August 30-September 1 in Baltimore, MD. It was a great success. Jeffrey Schneider gave a wonderful talk on “The Transition from the Customs Post to the Imperial Post in China, 1896-97.” Also, Hugh Lawrence spoke on “The Zhu De Portrait Stamps Issued by the Shandong Wartime Post and Their Surcharges.”  Fourteen members signed in at the CSS booth and two new members joined.  Sales of the China Clipper DVD Set and the new JCP DVD set were brisk.  


         Our luncheon after the Annual Membership Meeting



A great time was had by all at this year's Annual Convention, held June 8-10 at NAPEX in Washington, D.C.  Eighteen members signed in at the CSS booth and several new members joined or renewed their memberships. Four members exhibited a total of forty-six frames of China. Hugh Lawrence's ten frame "Postal Rates During the Gold Yuan Era: The Chinese Hyperinflation of 1948 - 49," received a Gold Medal, the CSS Best Exhibit of China Award, the CSS Paul Chang Chinese Postal History Award, and the CSS Republic of China (Taiwan) Award.  William P. Winter's ten frame "The Martyrs Stamps of China - 1932 to 1949" received a Gold Medal and the CSS James R. Lee Memorial Award Chiu Shan Chapter (San Francisco).  Tom Massa's ten frame "Rates During The Chinese Silver Yuan Currency Era" received a Gold Medal and the CSS Chia Nan (Los Angeles) Chapter Award. H. James Maxwell's ten frame "Keeping Pace With Inflation: The Post-War Chinese National Currency Issues" received a Gold Medal and his ten frame "Rates During the Post-War Chinese National Currency Era" received a Gold Medal. In addition member Bill Winter exhibited his four frame “The Free State of Danzig, 1919-39,” and member Myron Palay exhibited his eight frame “Japan’s Wars, 1894-1911.”


                Some of those that attended our membership meeting.


(Left to Right) Hugh Lawrence, Tom Massa, Teresa Murphy, Aaron Li,
Dennis Murphy, H. James Maxwell and Paul Gault having dinner 2014

Members attending a dinner at FLOREX 2012

Some members who attended the Annual Convention at SESCAL in Los Angeles, CA


Members after the luncheon at Pacific '97

One of the tables of members at the Society luncheon at Washington 2006