The China Stamp Society and its Chapters publish and reprint books on Chinese philately. Generally, only limited numbers of each publication are printed. Those presently available are listed below. Also listed are various other publications, including duplicates being sold by our library.
Richard Boyd is our Publications officer and handles the sale of books, DVDs and coffee cups. Checks should be made payable to the "China Stamp Society." These items are typically shipped from various locations in the United States. However, some items are shipped from other places to save on postage.
Email the Publications Officer with any questions.
Category: Books For Sale
Your search resulted in 74 items found. Displaying items 1 - 40.
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Non-Denominated Flying Geese Stamp and Its Surcharges by Jen-Chow Duh, 330 pages, hardbound with dust case. Perhaps the most iconic of the postage stamps issued by the Taiwan Postal Administration are the three sets of dollar-denominated surcharges printed on the unissued, non-denominated Flying Geese stamps. The product of his more than 30 years collecting, researching, and analyzing, this is the definitive work on these stamps. All of the text is in both Chinese and English, including all captions, endnotes, and the bibliography. (6 images)
Item No: 59952
Member Price: $119.95
Non-Member Price: $150.00
Item No: 1
Member Price: $63.95
Non-Member Price: $79.95
The MLO Book is a completely new catalog of the MLOs by George T. Luzitano. It is a comprehensive 190-page, 8 1/2 x 11, spiral bound (lays flat) publication, in color, on heavy paper. (1 lb. 15 oz.)
Item No: 58440
Member Price: $29.95
Non-Member Price: $37.50
1936 List of All Post Offices in China, hard bound, 417 pages, English and Chinese. A hardbound reprint prepared by the China Stamp Society of a 417-page publication by the Directorate General of Posts listing all the post offices in China as of 1936, both in English and Chinese, along with much other useful information. A must for the postal historian.
Item No: 19
Member Price: $29.95
Non-Member Price: $37.50
1980 "The Mongols" Map from the National Geographic Society
Item No: 52483
Member Price: $1.00
Non-Member Price: $1.25
Catalog of the Chinese Stamp Exhibition, Hong Kong, 11/1979, in Chinese and English, in very good condition (1 lb) (2 images)
Item No: 45613
Member Price: $15.95
Non-Member Price: $20.00
CHINA SHAKES THE WORLD, Jack Belden, paperback, 524 pages (1 lb 3 oz) (2 images)
Item No: 418
Member Price: $4.95
Non-Member Price: $6.25
China, Gallery Books, NY. NY, 288 pages, hardbound, in full color with many fabulous pictures (5 lb 2 oz)
Item No: 59255
Member Price: $14.95
Chinese Postage Stamp Booklets by Ellery Dennison (1981). Covering all booklets and booklet panes from 1917 to 1980, 41 pages in black and white, with a soft cover. Published by the China Stamp Society.
Item No: 26
Member Price: $1.95
Non-Member Price: $2.50
Chongqing Fengjing Richuo (Scenic Cancels of Chongqing) by He Mingsheng, in Chinese, in very good condition. (8 oz)
Item No: 32396
Member Price: $5.95
Non-Member Price: $7.50
Cihai (Sea of Words), Vol. 1 and 2, 1973, in Chinese, in excellent condition (6 lb 10 oz)
Item No: 45753
Member Price: $19.95
Comrade Chiang Ch'ing, by Roxane Witke, 1977, 549 pages, hardbound, black and white illustrations and maps, good condition, dust jacket very worn, (3 lb 8 oz)
Item No: 52576
Member Price: $9.95
Non-Member Price: $12.50
Die Ganzsachen der Volksrepublik China, by Wolfgang Textor, 1992, in German, privately bound, in very good condition (12 oz) (3 images)
Item No: 54710
Member Price: $5.95
Eurasia Aviation Corporation - A German-Chinese Airline in China and its Airmail 1931-1943 by Peter Moeller and Larry D. Sall, paperback in color, 2007, 153 pages, great book on the history of this airline, includes a listing of First Flight covers and catalog values
Item No: 35
Member Price: $19.95
Non-Member Price: $25.00
Glossary Pinyin-Chinese, 1974, softbound, b/w, 153 pages, good condition
Item No: 60109
Member Price: $2.95
Guanghui de Licheng - Jinian Zhongguo Gongchandang Chengli Chishi Zhounian (he Glorious Struggle - Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party), 1991, in Chinese, as new (2 lb) (2 images)
Item No: 45867
Member Price: $29.95
Non-Member Price: $37.50
Guoyu Dazidian (Chinese Language Dictionary), undated, in Chinese, cover loose, otherwise in good condition (2 lb)
Item No: 45754
Member Price: $1.95
Non-Member Price: $2.50
History of Postal Cancellation in China, Part IX, by Paul Ke-Shing Chang, 1995, as new (3 lb 4 oz) (4 images)
Item No: 54725
Member Price: $29.95
History of Postal Cancellation in China, Part X, by Paul Ke-Shing Chang, 1995, as new (3 lb 6 oz) (4 images)
Item No: 54726
Member Price: $29.95
HuabeiJiefangquJiaotongYouzhengShiliaoHuibian: JinchajiBianqujuan (Collected Historical Materials Regarding the Communications and Postal Administration of the North China Liberated Area: Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Area Volume),(1991), in Chinese, 541 pages, as new. (1lb 4 oz)
Item No: 48731
Member Price: $7.95
Interesting Insights of Chinese Postal History, Hardbound, 159 page, full-color book on Imperial, Republic, Wartime Mail Route, Manchukuo, Private Letter Office, Foreign Post Office and Interesting Postmark covers
Item No: 54288
Member Price: $27.95
Non-Member Price: $35.00
J. Millard Williams reprint, Postage Stamps of China 1878-1914, by "The Collector," 23 pages, 1914, new condition, a good little book on the early issues with insights not found elsewhere (3 oz.)
Item No: 27692
Member Price: $0.95
Non-Member Price: $1.25
J. Millard Williams, The Gold Yuan Stamps of China, 90 pages, 1977, new condition, paperback (6 oz.)
Item No: 27690
Member Price: $7.95
Non-Member Price: $10.00
J. Millard Williams, The National Currency Stamps of China 1945, 100 pages, 1981, new condition, paperback (6 oz.)
Item No: 27689
Member Price: $7.95
Non-Member Price: $10.00
J. Millard Williams, The Silver Currency Stamps and Temporary Labels of China, 4th Ed., 52 pages, 1985, new condition, paperback, the last and best of his books on the Silver Yuan (5 oz.)
Item No: 27691
Member Price: $7.95
Non-Member Price: $10.00
JAPANESE POSTAGE STAMPS IN THE MANUFACTURE, by the Insatsukyoku Choyokai Foundation, Limited Edition 1,000 copies, 1975, Hardbound, 155 pages, includes 14 trial stamps, describes the process of making Postage Stamp, Printing Process, Designs, Plates, Perforations, Paper, Ink, Gumming, etc. ( 1 lb 5 oz) (3 images)
Item No: 420
Member Price: $49.95
Non-Member Price: $62.50
Journey Into China, National Geographic society, 518 pages, full cover, much history, culture and fabulous illustrations (2 images) (5 lb 5 oz)
Item No: 59258
Member Price: $14.95
Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary, Fourth Edition, by R. H. Mathews, 1947, privately bound, in very good condition (4 lb 4 oz) (2 images)
Item No: 54707
Member Price: $19.95
Michael Rogers Price Lists and Handbooks (4) from 1993-1995, b/w (6 oz.) (2 images)
Item No: 57638
Member Price: $0.95
Post-War Provisional Issues of Northeast China - MLO. A 162-page catalogue of the Mukden Types of Manchurian Local Overprints prepared by Dr. George T. Luzitano in 1991. It is illustrated in black and white and has a card cover.
Item No: 13
Member Price: $19.95
Non-Member Price: $24.95
Postal Stationery of Shanghai and Treaty Ports. A 65-page hardbound, profusely illustrated treatise on the postal stationary of the treaty ports written by Stanley J. Kruger and Donald R. Alexander in 1999. Illustrated in black and white. Published by the China Stamp Society.
Item No: 17
Member Price: $7.95
Non-Member Price: $10.00
Report On The Working[s] Of The Chinese Post Office - 1916. A 44-page report on the workings of the post office, in English and Chinese, prepared by the Directorate General of Posts, with lists of post offices, statistics on the volume of mail, and much other useful information. A hardbound reprint prepared by the China Stamp Society.
Item No: 16
Member Price: $7.95
Non-Member Price: $10.00
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